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Final Schematic is done! Now I just got to build a github page.

Note: Everything I'm doing here is going to be Public Domain.

Edit: Found a mistake in this schematic. GPIO7 is what is suppose to go to ground, not GPIO6. I will correct this in schematic before I post on github.


Here I'm dialing 8003733411 because it's a number I can call without bothering real people. I don't have the Microphone working so the other person wouldn't hear me anyway.

This is a test of me receiving a call. I couldn't get the arduino to output tones without noise or loud enough so I did a little hack where I hooked up the speaker shut off to the arduino and I'm using the arduino to control when the speaker is on or off for the bluetooth device. This is useful beca...

Getting that Carbon Microphone to work is REALLY hard. I'm talking to some engineers to see if they can help... May need a lot more things.

Realized I can't connect the speaker directly to the arduino, so added cost of buying a Potentiometer and a Resistor kit to get a 100 ohm resistor and some other resistors for later on.