The way I'm told to handle the connections on both the hook and the rotary is to hook one cable to ground and the other to a digital input. I'm told that ground is reference zero volts or something like that meaning that it'll be ether 0/1 to the digital input which I need to determine when I write...
Here is the inside of the handset. I decided to take it apart to clean it as well as see how it looks inside. One thing I learned is that the white wires on the other end belongs to the speakers. I was hoping they'll be colored differently so I can tell the difference between positive and negative....
So here are some pictures of the inside of the phone and electrical. The bells appears to be connected as you can see that one dangling wire, but that shouldn't be a problem since I'm gutting it anyway. The one thing I do not know is if I can get the bells to actually ring. That will be a large adve...
This is how the Rotary Phone Hook works.
When you put the phone on the hook, it presses down on the bar which disconnects the line as seen in the video.
Was talking with some people from IRC and the list of things I need are at
Doesn't seem to hard, it'll just be a lot of learning of how serial works so that I can communicate from the arduino to the bluetooth board. The board supports iAP which is what is needed to bring up S...
Made a recording via Google Hangout from the home phone which is VOIP.
If you look at the wave form, you can see the off on off on happening when the number is being dialed. So my guess as to it not using Dial Tones was correct. I...