Revealing the name of the new phone and providing the sticker for the center of the rotary being about 3.5CM. Meet Rotary Gecko.
I'll be buying a new soldering iron because these are some small connections. While I'm at it, I'll buy some some sticker paper so I can print this on it to stick in the...
I got a new router to replace the AirPort Extreme I have. This router is the WRZ-600DHP from Buffalo. I played all night last night with configurations, and thought I'll mention a few things I came across while doing so.
When I configured the wifi with security, it removed 802.11n, making me think...
I was thinking about being able to give this phone commands without having to take it apart, connect the serial board, and a USB cable to the computer...
Things we could possibly do with commands is enable A2DP for high quality audio, or set volume level. I will have to finish reading this PDF, h...
Updated the wish list to include USB cables, a power switch, and jumper wires, and a breadboard for power distribution.
I am going to buy the Jumper Wires from Amazon,, as it's cheaper for many more wires and types....