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Revealing the name of the new phone and providing the sticker for the center of the rotary being about 3.5CM. Meet Rotary Gecko.

I'll be buying a new soldering iron because these are some small connections. While I'm at it, I'll buy some some sticker paper so I can print this on it to stick in the...

The battery is now charging. I'm going to need to clean my solder iron so I can move the solder from the 5v to 3.3v cap... That's a very tight spot being small.

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Got most of the components in. The speaker and amplifier from Ada Fruit will be here ether tomorrow or Saturday. I'll put this project on hold for now until tomorrow and just get the battery to where it's charging.


I got a new router to replace the AirPort Extreme I have. This router is the WRZ-600DHP from Buffalo. I played all night last night with configurations, and thought I'll mention a few things I came across while doing so.

When I configured the wifi with security, it removed 802.11n, making me think...

I was thinking about being able to give this phone commands without having to take it apart, connect the serial board, and a USB cable to the computer...

Things we could possibly do with commands is enable A2DP for high quality audio, or set volume level. I will have to finish reading this PDF, h...

Updated the wish list to include USB cables, a power switch, and jumper wires, and a breadboard for power distribution.

I am going to buy the Jumper Wires from Amazon,, as it's cheaper for many more wires and types....