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RedHat Enterprise Linux, and distrobutions based on it such as Rocky and Alma Linux, do not come by default with a kernel that supports BTRFS. This is easily added via a Special Interest Group (SIG) kernel repository, which supplies both a newer kernel release and the needed btrfs-progs package.


There are so many guides for copying to the clipboard from tmux to X11 and using the VI mode of tmux. I personally prefer to use the default mode with the default shortcuts. As such, I have looked and learned about using tmux list-keys which shows you existing short cuts to make my own to store in...

After upgrade Fedora, every now and then, the Nvdia drivers fail and it falls back to open source drivers. Which is both nice, and annoying. Its nice because you can still use your computer, its annoying because anything that requires Nvidia drivers won't work. I have in the past fixed this by remov...

In looking to setup load balancing of FreeIPA, there is not too much documentation on how to do this to where Kerberos authentication is successful. After lots of research, I found the key to making this work.

Example haproxy config

  chroot  /var/lib/haproxy
  group  haproxy

If you plan on testing puppet autosign scripts, it is useful to generate test certificate signing requests (CSR) to verify that your script works. There is not much information online for this, so I had to go review documentation for extensions and requests. Below is what I have learned.

